The IUBMB is involved in a broad range of educational matters. It organizes or sponsors workshops, usually where participants can discuss modern education and related topics. It also distributes biochemistry textbooks and review journals without charge to scientists and teachers in developing areas, and holds or sponsors symposia on education at regional biochemical meetings around the world. It also cooperates with the editors of Biochemical and Molecular Biology Education (BAMBED) in identifying timely topics for presentation at symposia and workshops.
More details can be found on the IUBMB website
Provides opportunities for the development of both biochemistry and molecular biology educational programs and educators. Guidelines and Application Forms are available on the IUBMB website.
NOTICE: Applicants to the Tang Education Fellowships should contact Yang Mooi LIM at for an update on their applications.
New links added: IUBMB-FAOBMB-CBSL Virtual Education Symposium 2021
“The ‘New Normal’ Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) Education”
The Virtual Education Symposium was hosted by the College of Biochemists of Sri Lanka (CBSL), supported by IUBMB and FAOBMB, and was held on 30 July 2021. A full Report on this Education Symposium can be found here.
This Report contains the full detailed Programme of the Symposium, together with a summary of each of the presentations, plus the four parallel Breakout sessions, which took place over the one-day event.
Links to the full video recordings of the three sections of the Programme are provided below.
The symposium comprised three sections:
1) The symposium started with an Opening Ceremony (termed Inauguration) that preceeded a Keynote Speech by Professor Daniel R. Dries (Juniata College, Pennsylvania, USA). His topic was entitled: “The Push We Needed: How the Global Pandemic Forced us to Reconsider How we Deliver a BMB Curriculum“. The video recording of the Inauguration session followed by the Keynote presentation by Professor Dries can be found here.
2) In the Plenary Session (termed Session 1), entitled “Innovative and creative techniques in teaching and learning BMB in the ‘New Normal’“, there were five presenters from several countries. The video recording of the five presentations in this Session 1 can be found here.
3) The Breakout session (termed Session 2) comprised four separate on-line “rooms” for discussion of specific topics by participants, who self-selected their participation on the various topics specific to each “room”. The overall aim of these Breakout groups was to to identify gaps and challenges in BMB education in the new normal, and to identify ways to move forward. A highlight of this part was the inclusion of a student group in order to identify the challenges from their point of view.
The final part of this session summarized the discussions of each group in a common forum and identified the holistic way forward in the “new normal” BMB education. The video recording of the all the presentations made by representatives of each Breakout Group in this Session 2, together with an integrating summary of the whole day’s Symposium, can be found here.
IUBMB Virtual Education Conference
‘Teaching Science with Big Data’ Virtual Conference
The IUBMB/American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Virtual Education Conference ‘Teaching Science with Big Data’ was held on 20–25 June 2021. A report on this Conference will be available soon.
For a report on the Second IUBMB Education Conference held in Manila, Philippines, in November 2019, please click here.
IUBMB Education Conference: Special Issue of BAMBEd
All titles and abstracts of the articles in this issue can be viewed here.
Please note that individuals will need to have a suitable access to get the full text or PDF file of a desired article. For example, an institutional or personal subscription to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education will provide such access.
For a report on the First IUBMB Education Conference held in Rehovot, Israel, in September 2017, please click here.
Professor Janet Macaulay (previous IUBMB Education Chair) has provided the following useful links for educators in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, which are on the webpage of the ASBMB (USA).
Concept driven teaching
The ASBMB Accreditation Program