The year 2022 marks the 50th Anniversary of the founding of FAOB in 1972. FAOB became FAOBMB in 1993. To mark this Golden Anniversary, a full History of the Federation was recently published in a special issue of IUBMB Life. The PDF file of this History can be found at this link.
It had been hoped to mark the Golden Jubilee of FAOBMB with celebrations at special occasions planned for the 29th FAOBMB Conference that was schduled to be held in Shenzhen, China during October 2022. The resurgence of the COVID epidemic in China during the second half of 2022 prevented the Conference from taking place in a face-to-face manner; the Conference, therefore, took place in an fully on-line mode (a report on this Conference can be found at this link). Future arrangements for any Golden Jubilee celebrations will be advised.