FAOBMB Travel Fellowships for 2022 – 29th FAOBMB Conference in Shenzhen, China

A limited number of FAOBMB Travel Fellowships will be awarded to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and early career Biochemists and/or Molecular Biologists to attend, either in person or online, and give an oral presentation on their research work at the 29th FAOBMB & 2022 CSBMB (Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) Conference to take place in Shenzhen, China, from 19-22 October 2022. These Fellowships are intended for those who reside or are working outside the host country of the conference. Fellows who attend online will be awarded an Honorarium of USD250 in lieu of a travel grant.

Applications for these fellowships are now invited from well qualified Graduate students/postdoctoral fellows/early career Biochemists and/or Molecular Biologists, from the FAOBMB region (excluding the host country) and within 10 years of completion of a PhD degree at the date of the application deadline (24 June, 2022).

Detailed Guidelines and the Application Form can be found at:


Applications close on 24 June, 2022 (1800 hours, AEST)

 Further information:

Professor Paul Gleeson, Chair FAOBMB Fellowships Committee


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