IUBMB-Education Symposium at 26th FAOBMB Conference held in Kobe in December 2017

As in previous years, the IUBMB-supported Education Symposium was one of the highlights of the annual FAOBMB Conference in 2017. This Syposium took place in 26th FAOBMB-ConBio2017 Conference held in Kobe in during 6-9 December 2017.

Five invited speakers in this education session shared their experience in embracing technology in teaching Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) and the practical tips on innovative approach to motivate students to learn the traditional academic contents of BMB.

Two of the following five speakers have kindly consented to their talks being made available at the links as shown below (Dr Costabile and Dr Smallhorn).

  1. Professor Keiichiro Suzuki, Department of Biochemistry, Hyogo College of Medicine.

Title: Team based learning and basic skills analysis in biochemical education

  1. Dr Maurizio Costabile, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia

Title: The development of innovative and engaging digital simulations for the laboratory based teaching of Biochemistry

  1. Dr Marilou G. Nicolas, University of Philippines, Manila, College of Arts & Sciences

Title: UPM’s Undergraduate Biochemistry Education: Gearing for the 21st Century

  1. Dr Masha Smallhorn, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

Title: Inquiry-based learning and the undergraduate University experience

  1. Professor Janet Macaulay, Undergraduate Education, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Australia

Title: Vision and role of the International Union of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the 21st Century


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