11.20.2014 – Highly successful Education Symposium on Writing in Science at IUBMB-FAOBMB Conference in Taipei


A packed out lecture theatre with more than 200 present heard a wonderful Education Symposium on Writing in Science at the recent 15th IUBMB – 24th FAOBMB – TSBMB Conference held in Taipei during October 2014. Two talks on different aspects of writing in science were given by Professor Phillip Nagley (Monash University, Australia) and Dr AndreAna Pena (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) at this session held on 25 October. There were many requests for these talks to be made available on the FAOBMB webpage and links to these are found below. In discussion of Professor Nagley’s presentation at the Education Symposium, there were questions on how to respond to reviewers’ comments on manuscripts submitted for publication. In response to these questions, Professor Nagley has added a supplementary section to his talk in the file below, with further information and advice on this important topic.
Nagley_Education Presentation at IUBMB-FAOBMB_Taipei 2014_for FAOBMB webpage

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