The FAOBMB-TSBMB will jointly organize the 15th IUBMB-24th-FAOBMB-TSBMB Conference in 2014 in Taipei.
The Federation of Asian and Oceanic Biochemists and Molecular Biologics (FAOBMB) and the Taiwan Society of Biochemsitry and Molecular Biology (TSBMB) have jointly won the bid for the city of Taipei as host to the “15th IUBMB-24th-FAOBMB-TSBMB Conference in 2014” at Mérida, Yucatán, México, during October 22-27, 2011. This bid was a competition between Taipei and Dublin. The bid was proposed by Dr. Andrew H.-J. Wang (Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Acdimician, Academia Sinica) and Dr. Ming-Daw Tsai (Director, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica) and was full endorsed by the FAOBMB and TSBMB members. It gives FAOBMB and TSBMB great pleasure and honor to announce that the FAOBMB-TSBMB has successfully won the bid for hosting this worldwide international conference, which is anticipated to attract more than 1500 scientists around the world. The conference aims to promote the sharing of insightful experiences among participants and increases the global visibility of FAOBMB and TSBMB in the globally biochemical and molecular biological research landscape.
- A major aim of IUBMB Conferences is to raise the profile of the Union in the years between the triennial Congresses.
- IUBMB Conference is an international meeting sponsored by IUBMB in conjunction with a national BMB society & a regional BMB organization.
- IUBMB Conferences present opportunities for review of advances in a limited number of topical major sub areas of biochemistry and for detailed in-depth discussion of a particular segment of biochemistry and/or molecular biology. In this way,IUBMB Conferences complement the broad overall coverage of the subject that characterizes the Congresses. IUBMB Conferences have an expected attendance of 1,000-2,000 persons.
- IUBMB Conferences enhance the visibility of IUBMB in the local societies.